The Radical Disciple by John Stott
3 min read

The Radical Disciple by John Stott

John Stott's The Radical Disciple challenges Christians to live a radical life of discipleship that truly reflects Jesus.
The Radical Disciple by John Stott

🚀 The book in 1 sentence

John Stott's The Radical Disciple challenges Christians to live a radical life of discipleship that truly reflects Jesus.

🎨 Impression

In The Radical Disciple, John Stott, a renowned Christian author and theologian, calls Christians to follow Jesus with radical obedience, even when it goes against the norms of the world. Stott believes that many Christians have settled for a comfortable, watered-down version of Christianity and that this is not what Jesus intended for his followers. He identifies eight characteristics of a radical disciple, including non-conformity, Christlikeness, and dependence on God. Throughout the book, Stott uses Scripture to support his arguments and shares stories of real-life radical disciples.

👤 Who should read it?

  • Christians who want to grow in their discipleship
  • Christians who feel stuck in their faith and want to be challenged
  • Christians who are comfortable in their faith and need to be reminded of Jesus' call to radical discipleship

⭐️ How the book changed me:

  • What it means to be a true disciple of Jesus
  • How to live a life of radical obedience to Christ
  • How to resist the pressures of the world and live a non-conformist life
  • How to rely on God's grace and power to live a life that truly reflects Jesus

💙 Favorite Quotes

"Discipleship is a lifelong journey, not a weekend retreat."

"We are not to be conformed to this world, nor to be content with a mere nominal Christianity that does not penetrate to our hearts and make us more like Christ."

"The cross is the blazing fire at which the flame of our love is kindled, but we have to get near enough to it for its sparks to fall on us."

✍🏼 Notes:

  • Chapter 1: Non-Conformity - Stott argues that Christians should resist the pressure to conform to the world and instead live a life that reflects the character of Christ. He provides biblical examples of non-conformists and challenges readers to consider how they can live differently from the world.
  • Chapter 2: Christlikeness - Stott explores what it means to imitate Christ in our thoughts, words, and actions. He argues that Christlikeness is not just a matter of behavior, but also of the heart, and provides practical ways for readers to cultivate Christlikeness in their lives.
  • Chapter 3: Maturity - Stott emphasizes the importance of growing in our faith and becoming more like Christ over time. He identifies obstacles to spiritual maturity and offers practical advice for how to overcome them.
  • Chapter 4: Creation Care - Stott contends that Christians have a responsibility to care for God's creation and be good stewards of the environment. He provides a biblical basis for creation care and offers practical ways for readers to live in a more environmentally sustainable way.
  • Chapter 5: Simplicity - Stott challenges readers to reject materialism and live a simpler life that is more focused on the things that truly matter. He provides practical advice for how to simplify one's life and offers biblical support for a simpler way of living.
  • Chapter 6: Humility - Stott argues that humility is a key characteristic of a radical disciple and explores what it means to live a life of humility. He provides biblical examples of humility and offers practical ways for readers to cultivate this character trait in their lives.
  • Chapter 7: Mortification - Stott contends that Christians must put to death their sinful desires and live a life that is pleasing to God. He offers practical advice for how to put sin to death and emphasizes the role of the Holy Spirit in this process.
  • Chapter 8: Dependence - Stott emphasizes the importance of relying on God's grace and power to live a life that truly reflects Jesus. He argues that dependence on God is a key characteristic of a radical disciple and offers practical ways for readers to cultivate a greater dependence on God in their lives.

Final Thoughts 🤔

The Radical Disciple is a challenging and thought-provoking book that will push Christians to examine their faith and consider what it truly means to follow Jesus. Stott's emphasis on non-conformity, Christlikeness, and dependence on God is a timely reminder for Christians living in a world that often values comfort and conformity over radical discipleship. While the book is packed with helpful insights and biblical teachings, some readers may find Stott's writing style to be a bit dry or academic. Additionally, some readers may wish that Stott had provided more practical advice on how to live a radical life of discipleship. Overall, however, The Radical Disciple is a powerful and necessary book for Christians who want to grow in their faith and live a life that truly reflects Jesus.

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